Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gay Marriage Not An Issue for NH Republicans


Poll: Gay Marriage Not An Issue For N.H. Republicans
by Newscenter Staff

Posted: June 13, 2007 - 7:00 pm ET

(Washington) A new poll shows that New Hampshire Republicans do not consider same-sex marriage to be a concern.

The survey, in the the state with the first primary in the nation, found that among registered Republicans gay marriage did not factor in a list of issues concerning them.

"This poll of Republican voters confirms what many of us in the GOP already knew—the GOP primary election should focus on the issues rank-and-file Republicans care about and same-sex marriage isn’t one of them," said Log Cabin Republicans President Patrick Sammon in a statement on Wednesday.

"Republican candidates should focus on issues that unite our Party, instead of using marriage as a wedge issue in this campaign," Sammon said.

The poll was conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center for CNN and WMUR-television.

It asked likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, "In your opinion, which one issue is most important to your vote in the presidential primary? Which is next most important? What is the third most important?"

It found that the war in Iraq topped the list at 36 percent, followed by illegal immigration at 11 percent and then the economy at 9 percent.

Same-sex marriage was 17th on the list with the number of replies too low to measure.

"Our Party is hungry for leadership on the big issues of the day such as the war in Iraq, reforming immigration, homeland security, and keeping our economy strong," said Sammon.

"New Hampshire primary voters have long distinguished themselves as astute voters who understand the nation’s priorities," he said. “GOP Party leaders and all candidates for elected office should listen to these voters in the first-of-the-nation primary. 2008 will be a critical election that demands attention on important issues—not divisive politics."

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