Saturday, August 4, 2007

AU couples to be blocked from orverseas adoption

Gay couples to be blocked from overseas adoption

The Federal Government plans to introduce a bill which will not recognize overseas adoptions by same-sex couples.

by Chris Pycroft - Associate Producer AU on 2007-08-02

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The Australian Federal Government has announced plans during the next parliamentary session to introduce a bill that would stop same-sex couples from adopting overseas.

The bill which is titled the Family Law (Same Sex Adoption) Bill, would “amend the Family Law Act 1975 to indicate that adoptions by same sex couples of children from overseas under either bilateral or multilateral arrangements will not be recognized in Australia” according to government officials.

If the law passes, it would override any existing state legislation that applies to adoption of children by same-sex couples.

Under the bill, any child that is brought into Australia for the purpose of adoption by a same-sex couple would have their visa application denied.

Prime Minister John Howard has been quoted opposing adoption by same-sex couples.

“I'm against gay adoption, just as I'm against gay marriage.” “Children ideally should be brought up by a mother and a father who are married. That's the ideal.”

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