Friday, October 10, 2008

- Anti Gay Marriage Proposition 8 Supporters Lie and Lie Again

Gayapolis News - Anti Gay Marriage Proposition 8 Supporters Lie and Lie Again

Just got an alert from Marriage Equality about a new SurveyUSA/CBS poll on Proposition 8, the anti-gay marriage initiative in California. If this new poll is to be believ
Advertisement:ed (and there is some doubt about the robocall methods SurveyUSA uses), opposition to Prop 8 has dropped from 54% last month to just 43% today, in large part because of the deceitful ads Proposition 8 supporters are running.

So let's take a look at the ad these Christian groups have put together (and since when has it been the Christian thing to do to lie? I don't remember that being one of the 10 Commandments, but maybe they've added some new ones). Thanks to the Sac Bee for much of this great info.

The ad says that "four judges ignored four million voters and imposed same sex marriage on California." It neatly sidesteps and ignores the fact that most of those judges were Republicans.

The ad also claims that people will now be sued over their personal beliefs, although California law prohibits discrimination against anyone on the basis of religion.

Then it claims churches will lose their tax exempt status, purposely ignoring language in the California Supreme Court ruling that stated that "no religion will be required to change its religious practices with regard to same sex marriage.

I've also read articles claiming that heterosexual couples are being victimized by forms (just changed yesterday, BTW) that no longer said "bride" and "groom". To my mind, that's just a taste of what gay and lesbian couples have endured for decades every time we had to fill out a government form and check the "single" box because the state wouldn't recognize our relationship.

So why are these Christian groups, who've raised an astonishing 25 million to ram this thing through so far, resorting to lying? Because it seems to work. Why let a few measly facts get in the way of your push to shove gay and lesbian couples back into the closet?

I mean, in the big picture, isn't it more important to be self righteous? Not to actually help your fellow man, but to make sure your interpretation of the world is shoved down everyone else's throat?

To these Christian groups, I ask this - how does my marriage to my partner affect you in *any* way? Does it make you want to cheat on your wife? Will it keep your kids from getting married to one another (assuming they're straight) when they grow up? In exactly what way have I as a gay man victimized you?

When you get right down to it, this has little or nothing to do with Protecting Marriage. Let's at least be honest about that - it has to do with the ick factor - the squeamishness of straight men when they think about gay sex.

Hey, I won't argue with you there - I don't want to think about you and your wife's love life either. But here's the difference. I'm not raising hell to keep the two of you from legal recognition of your marriage.

At the moment, supporters of Prop 8 have raised over $25 million - compared to just $15 million on the opposing side. If you know any gay couples, if you believe in basic fairness and decency, if it disturbs you when the conservatives lie and get away with it, please visit ECQA and make a donation.

Gay and lesbian couples all across the state are counting on you.

And if you're a gay or lesbian couple considering getting married in California, do it before November 4th - according to the Secretary of State's office, if Prop 8 passes, it will take effect the following day. Most legal sources are saying that prop 8 won't be retroactive, so now's the time to take this important step.

Let's not let deception win.

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